Sprint 4 Technical

Got blocked on a simple problem

What was the problem?

First, careless mistake on syntax or misspelling. Second, knowledge in JavaScript.

What problem solving techniques did you use?

1. Pseudocode, I just like pseudocode. I find it made my thought process easier and clearer.
2. Reading error messages. I used to like this one, but in JavaScript I find it not always able to lead you to the right path.
3. Using DOM, normally it helps me in my CSS and HTML.
4. Googling, this is my all time favarite.

How did you feel throughout the process?

I feel there process is right, but I still need a lot of practise.

What did you learn?

Learning programming need steps by steps, don't jump over the place and MUST do a lot of excercises. By just merely watching video, reading books, attending conferences,and or classes, won't help. You need to get your hand dirty. I also learned that programming needs a lot of patience, persistency and skill. If you are the one that easy give up, or you are the type of person can't sit in front of computer for hours, programming might not be for you.

On top of that I also learned that I really not good at working with arrays and objects. The exercises like JS Gradebook and Build-in-Method just exposed my weakness. But after do some search and follow through the problem solving method, I felt more confident.

Reflect on how confident you feel using the problem solving techniques and process:

I quite confident that the process and problem solving techniques are great, I just need to practise more.


Solve the Problem in an Elegant Way

What was the problem?

When solving super_fizzbuzz, and I am to apply what I have learned.

What problem solving techniques did you use?

Pseudocode, googling and trying something new.

How did you feel throughout the process?

This is the third excercise in build-in-method, and felt very happy that I am able to apply what I have learned and succefully solve the challenge.

What did you learn?

Break down the challange into smnall steps is important, Pseudocode is still my favorite.

Reflect on how confident you feel using the problem solving techniques and process:

I am quite confident in using the problem solving technique solving super_fizzbuss challenge. However, the confident was shaking and deteroriate fast after trying a very long time on JS gradebook and build-in-method.